There are races to be won and time is running out.


Nature has the answer:

Chemistry is the key™

There are races to be won and time is running out.


Nature has the answer:

Chemistry is the key™

How tears can fight pathogens in a Post ABR world

Nature has the answer:

Chemistry is the key™



Because of the growing problems with antibiotic resistance, Qures is developing a technology platform that will allow us to take society into the post-antibiotic resistance era – PostABR®.

We have a unique technology, and means of delivery, bringing efficacies lacking in existing products.

Our unique approach recognises the ability of the human body to fight pathogens with a treatment that mimics the immune system. This approach is safe for the body and does not harm the microbiome, instead bringing safety also lacking in existing products.

It’s important to note that we are not creating new classes of antibiotics. Our technology does not originate in soil or in fermenters, and its modes of action are completely different to those of any class of traditional antibiotics.

Instead, nature has the answer.